
...'s the point of this?

I study Information Technology at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg, Urstein.
So I think you can already guess, what the point of this is...
It's a project for my study ...amazing.
Basically this is going to be a simple html and css project to create a responsive website. My goal in this case, is to give a kind of newspaper vibe and since I'm already at it, I'm going to take this website to represent myself a bit aswell. In the upper right side of your screen you see an absolutely beautiful drop-down button, on which you can hover over, to see some other stuff, that I put on this website.
I hope you have an extraordinary time on here, enjoy and have fun scrolling through!

To fill in some space, here are some AI generated images of animals:


...I am:

To spare redundant information, I'm going to jump right in.
What do I want to spare? Telling you my name twice.
By explaining what I mean or what I'm trying to do, I saved an enourmous amount of words. Which I can now use quite efficiently, like telling you that I'm quite interested in information technology for example. Not only do I work in that industry, but I also like to experiment a bit in my spare time, which I'm extremely efficient at... sparing time, as I just explained.
Well, we live in a strange world, I'm in my twenties at the moment, so I like to think, that I have everything sorted out, as so many do in that range of age, as I've heard ..but I still have a lot to learn. At least I'm trying, or forcing myself, to be humble from time to time.
Other than that, I don't do much. I game from time to time, like to play piano, drums or guitar - but that's pretty much it, also I'm trying to look cool right now, I hope you realise that. If you actually read through that, you're a champ - thanks! :)

Here is a totally accurate representation of some of my strengths, in form of circular progress bars painted via CSS as svg-vector-graphics, since this is essential to get all the points on this assignment:
.js .css .html


...you be impressed?

Here are some more of my current amazing projects to convince you, that I am truly amazing.
I like to keep it real and legit, so here are some more AI generated images of my current and real projects, which are quantum computers in the desert:

quantum computer

Small Quantum Computer

As a humble little project, I've built this small quantum computer which has 1.000.000 qubits.

Learn more...
bigger quantum computer

Bigger Quantum Computer

As my second project, I've built a little bigger quantum computer which has about 10^42 qubits.

Learn more...
biggest quantum computer

Huge Quantum Computer

Lastly, I've built this amazing quantum computer which has about 10^137 qubits.

Learn more...


...not chat a bit?

Since you're already here, might aswell chat a bit in this online chat!
It's online, so if your mother opens this website on her PC, she can chat with you live!
...if she is capable to do so...


Informationen und Offenlegung gemäß §5 (1) ECG, § 25 MedienG, § 63 GewO und § 14 UGB

Websitenbetreiber: Gabriel Starzinger

Anschrift: Lamprechtshausen XXX, 4845

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